What is an Affinity Group?
To advance racial equity, there is work for white people and people of color to do separately and together. Affinity groups (sometimes referred to as “caucus”) provide spaces for people to work within their own racial/ethnic groups. The roots of white body supremacy run deep and are implicit to our experience. It’s from our embodied experience, therefore, that’s where our work begins.
We will meet communally once a month, and in our affinity groups once a month to work toward dismantling our culture of racism and create a culture of love, justice and liberation.
- The White Affinity Group and the Bodies of Culture Affinity Group meet at the same time on Zoom, in separate groups.
- Each person decides for themselves how they identify, White or Bodies of Culture (also known as BIPOC or People of Color). You can attend one or the other affinity group, but not both.
Antiracism Communal Group
1st Wednesday of the month • 7:30-9:00pm ET
Antiracism Affinity Groups
3rd Wednesday of the month • 7:30-9:00pm ET
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
You must register for the Communal Group meeting as well as the Affinity Group meeting if you want to attend. We request you commit to attending at least 4 consecutive groups, both communal and affinity group.
For White Bodies
This group provides time and space to work explicitly and intentionally on understanding white privilege/white body supremacy culture and to increase one’s critical analysis around these concepts. A white affinity group also puts the onus on white people to teach each other about these ideas, rather than placing a burden on people of color to teach them.
For Bodies of Culture
For Bodies of Culture – BIPOC, Bodies of Color, Black Bodies – racism lives in the lives of people of color in ways that are very different from the impact of race in the lives of white people. This is a safe environment to work with peers to address the impact of racism, to share information, feelings, experiences, and interactions that have occurred during life, to interrupt experiences of internalized racism, and to create a space for healing and working for individual and collective liberation.
Through establishing a communal container we will tend to the ways white body supremacy moves through us individually and collectively. We will work together to dismantle and heal the impact of white body supremacy on all people. We will learn what it means to stay together, through the fire of trigger and when the impulse towards separation surfaces. This will be a collective learning space where we will lean into building culture through engaging embodied practices, together.
The “reparative” nature of these communal consultations for white bodies has meaning on multiple levels. First, a percentage of the income from these groups will go to returning land back to Indigenous and Black communities. Second, the healing of white body supremacy, within white bodies and white community spaces, is a reparative act that is our collective responsibility.
These reparations move forwards and backwards in time, repairing the impact our ancestors had on passing white body supremacy to our generation.
Simultaneously, in healing white body supremacy within this generation we break the chain and it is stopped from being passed down to future generations.
Connect with us today!
Join with us as we create a world of love, justice, and liberation by healing our misguided ideas of who we are, as well as what we think the world is, so that together we live our Holiest selves.
To change our world we must live and work where courage, inclusion, belonging and purpose intersect.
project_SANCTUS is that place.
For more information feel free to CONTACT US.