Inclusive Spaces
July 20 • 10:30am – 12:00pm (EST)
Inclusion is not a strategy to help people fit into the systems and structures which exist in our societies; it is about transforming those systems and structures to make it better for everyone. We often believe we are creating inclusive spaces, yet the reality is our biases always get in the way. Learn to co-create a container that affirms again and again that we are present with each person’s lived experiences, we value each individual – story, body, ability… That ALL of every person is welcome in a space.
Inclusion is the proactive and ongoing practice of creating a context where people are embraced in their fullness, given as much access to engagement as possible, and treated with dignity and respect. Inclusion is a journey, not a destination, and this is not a perfect or complete definition.
Join us for this 90-minute live, virtual interactive workshop where we’ll look at how being part of dominant and marginalized groups plays out in our spaces – online and in-person. Noticing and understanding these power dynamics allows us to address them to create more equitable and inclusive environments.
Economic Justice
We are offering this at different price points in order to acknowledge that some have greater access to privilege and resources. Those with access to more resources pay more and thus provide the cushion for those with less access to pay less, creating a sustainable economic underpinning for services, events and items. This is a part of our commitment to challenging privilege and with that we recognize that financial resources should not be the determining factor for folks who want to access education, information and experience. Here how to navigate our offerings:
$100 – The highest cost – This is how much we would charge for the workshop if we were not implementing a sliding scale. We pay facilitators and leaders a living wage and this amount allows us to continue doing the work we are doing. If you are financially secure and you have the income to pay for ‘wants’ without it affecting your ability to meet your needs than this is the price to choose.
$65 – The median cost – This level is for those who would feel the financial pinch if they were to pay the highest price. If you are able to meet your basic needs, but still trying to gain long or short term financial security than this level is for you.
$40 – The lower cost – This level is for those that would not be able to attend workshops/classes at the full rate and their financial circumstance would prevent them from attending classes/workshops if not for an intentional opportunity available to them to access services at a cost that is reflective of their economic realities. If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as healthcare, housing, food, childcare, and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt, you probably belong here and deserve a community that honors your price as an equal economic offering as the person who can pay the highest cost.
If you need financial support beyond our three offerings, please reach out to us.