Intersectionality: Why a New Prism is Needed
This is a 3-part workshop, October 20, 21, & 22, 10:00am-1:00pm (EST, U.S.)
Intersectionality, a term coined by scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, describes the study of overlapping identities and the interaction between different power structures. In this series of workshops, participants will be provided with a safe space to reflect on intersecting identities such as race, gender, class, sexual orientation, ability, and many others. By applying an intersectional framework, participants will be better equipped at identifying the impact of overarching power structures and comprehensively address inequities in their personal lives, the workplace, and within spiritual communities.
Socially marginalized people everywhere face all kinds of dilemmas and challenges as a consequence of intersectionality: intersections of race and gender, of heterosexism, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, all of these social dynamics come together and create challenges that are sometimes quite unique, and largely go unaddressed.
This series of workshops promotes relational, strength-based, culturally responsive and expansive practices and skills to develop allyship as well as mitigate the intersectional challenges in order to grow towards a spirituality that more completely embodies healing, wholeness, love and liberation for all.
Participants will explore frameworks and definitions of identity, intersectionality, power, and advantages. This will create a shared understanding and lay the groundwork for deeper analysis. Investigate how can intersectionality be applied within the framework of anti-bias education, theological principles and spiritual practices in order to teach about multiple identities and oppression
- Session 1: What is Intersectionality and Racism
- Session 2: Intersectionality – Sexism and Classism
- Session 3: Intersectionality – Ableism and Other Social Identities